About Mahjabin

Mahjabin is a Toronto based painter and is a full time artist and an art instructor. Painting is an intuitive process for Mahjabin, where she lays down marks with pastel, charcoal, and acrylic dips and pours, then adds layers of luscious saturated oils to reveal joy, movement, and excitement in each completed work. Her work is constantly evolving, inspired and influenced by her surroundings, nature, and memories of her childhood and personal adventures. Each painting is a silent visual poem to nature. Her artistic style captures dynamic and layered energy. The passions, power and peace found in organic forms are depicted in these images. Through each painting, the viewer is encouraged to explore their own connection to life and natural environment.

Mahjabin’s works can be found in many private collections in Canada and India.

“Some painters transform the sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the sun.”

Quote - Pablo Picasso